waking blood

waking blood

ISBN: 9780888012524
Author: Deborah Keahey

Keahey pays particular attention to soul- and body-shaping experiences common in life but marginalized in published literature: female desire, depression, divorce, pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding.Beware the lovely treachery of her words. Deborah Keahey is without doubt one of Manitoba's finest poets. In her first full-length volume Keahey continues to unravel the complications of desire and absence, inner and outer space, the problem of being in a body, the idea of "being home" but especially the "waking blood" of birth. In these regards she is her own poet. At one point the poet confesses that she was unable to write during her pregnancy--that the child growing in her was "too true for poetry." But she offers this remarkable narrative as a reflection upon that time. Keahey, in the most romantic way possible, serves the community like a mythological heroine, moving in other, perilous worlds on a quest for magic and bringing that magic back to show us cowards a moment of ecstasy. In this regard she is the people's poet.Beware, too, the structure of these poems. Keahey is a grand master of line, structure and shape. In this regard she is a poet's poet.